Friday, May 1, 2009
Happy Ending
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Time of your life
Because we can...
a) all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labour, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
(b) the use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances;
(c) the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular for the production and trafficking of drugs as defined in the relevant international treaties;
(d) work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.
The 11 year old child who was interviewed in the documentary, was considered to be a child workers because of article (d), which states that children cannot work in areas that harm their health in any way. The dump was considered to be a large mountain of nicotine. Nicotine that slowly harms the health of the young and innocent children, who have no other options to survive. Child labor comes in many forms and figures. What sometimes can be considered to be a regular 12 hour job for a child might be one of the worst forms of child labor. At first I did not relate the Guajero children to Child labor, but when I saw all the children who seemed to be four or five years old, it was an obvioius sign of child labor.
If you ever watch a documentary, or hear about a case in which a child is involved, please research and find ways to help improve the lives of the children in any way. Do it for the children, do it for future generations, and do it for a better world.
Thank you.
Works Cited
Worst forms of child labour - About child labour." 30 Apr. 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sick and Tired
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Drift Away
How to Save a Life
"Many of the worst forms of child labor are a problem in India, Nepal and Pakistan, where RugMark operates. These include child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, bonded child labor, child domestic work and the recruitment and use of children for armed conflict or drug trafficking.
Demand for child labor is so high that desperate parents sell their children into bondage. According to UNICEF, 14% of children in India between the ages of 5 and 14 are engaged in child labor activities including carpet production.
"Many of the worst forms of child labor are a problem in India, Nepal and Pakistan, where RugMark operates. These include child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, bonded child labor, child domestic work and the recruitment and use of children for armed conflict or drug trafficking." |
While some people mistakenly think it is better when all members of a family work, child labor actually makes poverty worse. Child workers come cheaply and sometimes at no cost, and drive down wages for adult laborers. Plus children who work forfeit an education that could have helped them achieve a higher standard of living as adults. Child laborers are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, are subject to long hours of physically demanding and unrelenting work, and suffer from deprivation and poor health."
The previous information has all been taken from
When asked why child labor is an issue and why are you not focusing on war and other "important issues", the word exploitation comes to mind. When you have all kinds of problems taking place worldwide, and you still have factory owners exploiting and abusing young souls, it just does not sound right. When asked how different structures make child labor a problem, the answer is world problems such as global warming encourage the child abuse and exploitation. How is that possible? Environmental world problems such as global warming, and world conflicts such as war lead to poverty. Poverty is when a person does not have enough to eat which means they cannot work or live much longer because they are considered to be in a state of malnutrition. Poverty leads to the loss of jobs and the rise of child labor because adults cannot support their families or send their children to school, children have to work to support their families. The process is completely reversed. Another factor that triggers child labor is the lack of education. When women are not educated about family and how to protect themselves, they may find themselves in a bit of a problem. With five children to take care of, the man of the house if living with his second or third wife, the woman if forced to send her children to the factories or even worse sell them to get the money she needs to save herself. When people think of child labor, they say "Oh at least they are doing something to help better their family's financial issues." What they do not know is what goes on within the factories...
Works Cited
"RugMark Foundation - About." Rugs - Handmade Rugs - Imported Rugs - Child Labor Free Rugs Certified by RugMark. 28 Apr. 2009 <>.
Learning to fall
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
With Arms Wide Open

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Lets Talk it Over.
Lets Clear it Out.

The titles of the blog posts, on the other hand, are titles of different motivational songs that somehow relate to the blog post topic. Looking forward to discussing different matters with you!
Waiting on the World to Change.
When I asked a family member what they would do if their children were working in a factory? They said they would rather work than have their children risk their lives and work. Being treated with such violence and discrimination as a child can harm your personality and will stay with you for the rest of your life. Children who have been working since they were about six do not lead happy lives. They will never forget the experience, which shaped their life and changed it to the worse.
A question I would like to answer is: "In the society we live in today, how would some people react to Child Labor if they saw someone under the age of ten working?"
Someday Well Know.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Heart of the Matter.
In the hot sun of Kuwait, a couple of friends and I stood, handing out flyers. The flyers in question included facts and ways in which you can help end child labor and poverty. To my surprise we were greeted with quite a few negative reactions. One man said, “you are only children, what are you going to accomplish?” , “Help the needy in your own country first before helping others in different parts of the world”, and “Others will help them”. That day was one of the disheartening experiences of my life. It was a couple of years ago and I remember going home to my mother and explaining to her that I should give up. She then said to me that whatever mission or organization you commit yourself to, there will always be negative responses to it, you should face them and believe in yourself. That inspired me to go back to the same booth the next day and pass out the same flyers with the same information on them. When one of the people who tried to criticize me passed by again, I looked at him and said, “I am going to help these people, and I am not going anywhere.” The man smiled at me and to my surprise said “Well done”. Not giving up on a cause as serious as child labor in India is important.
People these days chose to make up excuses and procrastinate a lot when it comes to commitment. I, myself, am unfortunately a procrastinator. I recently started a club called Save Me which helps improve the lives of humans and animals worldwide. I made sweaters, an email account, and applications and contributed all that I have for this club. Then, it hit me: What about the Red Cross? The United Nations? Free the Children? Are they not all very famous organizations that also improve the lives of Humans and Animals worldwide? What is so special about my club? I was then convinced and inspired by that event the smallest change makes a big difference. Even if I raise 5 dollars, that 5 dollars can help pay a week’s meal plan for two children. Even if I raised awareness by saying that there are still children out there who sleep with scarred hands and bloody cuts without getting any necessary treatment. It is an unfortunate reality, but one that we cannot ignore.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dreaming with a Broken Heart.
Hello World...This is Me.
Gandhi once said "Be the change you wish to see in this world". You have to believe in yourself in order to spread change and make the world a better place. If you believe in your self, you can spread change. Little changes can make a big difference. My name is Abby, I am a freshmen at at a small college. My main goal in life is to spread change and motivate people so that we can all work together to promote positive change. I strongly belive in common unity, and that citizens are able to accomplish goals peacefully. This blog will hopefully strike you as an inspirationa piece of work. After every post, I will attempt to post a question or two which we can hopefully talk about. These questions can vary from current events to historical figures. I am looking forward to reading you feedback, suggestions, and comments.