1. Have you ever heard of Child Labor anywhere around the world? (Other than India)
I have heard of the issue of Child Labor in many of the developing countries, such as China. Child Labor is also widespread in developing nations such as Africa.
2. What do you think of the Issue?
I personally think it is a forgotten issue. Yes, people may want to focus on "more" important issues like nuclear weapons, the Middle East and the economic crisis but children are still the innocence we all fail to pay enough attention to. What I am trying to explain is that no matter what problems are going on in the world today, children should not be out being tortured and working to live. They should all be safe and protected because they deserve the right to live as freely as any other child out there.
3. I would like to ask you to put yourself in a parent of a child worker's shoes, would you let your children go to work for 12 hours a day? You have a very low income, and you are too sick to support your family by yourself.
Instead of letting my children suffer, I would seek help. Even if it is the hardest thing I can do, I will try to find my children a better home to live in until I get better and I am able to support them .I would not have children if I did not have the money to support them because I know where children who come from families with very low incomes end up.
*End of Interview*
In the end, I believe that our role as humans is to educate others. We should educate people and women in developing countries about the negative aspects of Child Labor. We should educate our family members and friends about the different cases of Child Labor issues and hope that they will join us in this fight for Human Rights and Freedom.
I have heard of child labor only in developing areas in the world. If every rich person would contribute 2.5% of what they earned yearly to the troubled families, every one would be a lot more happier.